Products Specification
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NIKAWA HICB is a high performance 2 - component epoxy material with superior compressive strength and impact resistance. It is specially formulated for backing wear metal for crushers.
Technical Properties:
Part A Epoxy Binder
Part B Hardener
Mix Ratio A:B (By Volume) 19:3
Pot Life 20©C Approx. 30 minutes
Cure Time at 20-25©C Minimum 10 hours
Compressive Strength (psi) 16,000
Tensile Strength in Flexure (psi) 7,000
Coefficient of Linear Thermal Expansion 30.10-6/©C

Part A and B should be stirred before thoroughly mix until even color is achieved.

Packaging Size:
HICB : Part A - 9.5kg
Part B - 1.5kg

The epoxy resin and hardener containers should always be tightly closed when any of the contents have been withdrawn. Since the hardener is liable toreact with atmospheric carbon dioxide, the contents of any opened contrainers should be used up; as soon as possible.

Health & Safety Precautions:
Avoid contact with skin, eyes and breathin the vapour. Irritates eyes, skin and respiratory system if contacted.

Wear rubber gloves and eye protection during handling. Wash hands thoroughly with soap and water after use.


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