Products Specification
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NIKAWA M303 is a high performance2-component epoxies adhesive and is specially formulated for road stud.
Technical Properties:
Part A Epoxy Binder (Grey Color)
Part B Hardener (Amber Color)
Mix Ratio A:B (By Volume) 1:1
Viscosity of Mix (PaS) at 25©C Approx. 138
S.G. kg/litre 1.3
Pot Life 20©C Approx. 30 minutes
Cure Time at 20-25©C Minimum 24 hours
Hardening Condition 7 days at 20©C
Tensile Strength (ASTM C307) 24 N/mm²
Compressive Strength (BS 6319) 70-80 N/mm²
Tensile Strength in Flexure (Din 1164) 30-40 N/mm²
Peel Strength (Din 53282) 3-6 N/mm²
Coefficient of Linear Thermal Expansion 60.10-6/©C
Water Absorption (DIN 53475) 24h Cold 34mg

Surface Preparation:
All surfaces should be dried. cleaned and free from all contaminants.

Part A and B should be stirred before thoroughly mix until even color is achieved.


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